/* object-assign (c) Sindre Sorhus @license MIT */ /*! Copyright (c) 2015 Jed Watson. Based on code that is Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. */ /** * @license * Lodash * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors * Released under MIT license * Based on Underscore.js 1.8.3 * Copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors */ /** * CanvasRecorder is a standalone class used by {@link RecordRTC} to bring HTML5-Canvas recording into video WebM. It uses HTML2Canvas library and runs top over {@link Whammy}. * @summary HTML2Canvas recording into video WebM. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef CanvasRecorder * @class * @example * var recorder = new CanvasRecorder(htmlElement, { disableLogs: true, useWhammyRecorder: true }); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {HTMLElement} htmlElement - querySelector/getElementById/getElementsByTagName[0]/etc. * @param {object} config - {disableLogs:true, initCallback: function} */ /** * DiskStorage is a standalone object used by {@link RecordRTC} to store recorded blobs in IndexedDB storage. * @summary Writing blobs into IndexedDB. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @example * DiskStorage.Store({ * audioBlob: yourAudioBlob, * videoBlob: yourVideoBlob, * gifBlob : yourGifBlob * }); * DiskStorage.Fetch(function(dataURL, type) { * if(type === 'audioBlob') { } * if(type === 'videoBlob') { } * if(type === 'gifBlob') { } * }); * // DiskStorage.dataStoreName = 'recordRTC'; * // DiskStorage.onError = function(error) { }; * @property {function} init - This method must be called once to initialize IndexedDB ObjectStore. Though, it is auto-used internally. * @property {function} Fetch - This method fetches stored blobs from IndexedDB. * @property {function} Store - This method stores blobs in IndexedDB. * @property {function} onError - This function is invoked for any known/unknown error. * @property {string} dataStoreName - Name of the ObjectStore created in IndexedDB storage. * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} */ /** * GifRecorder is standalone calss used by {@link RecordRTC} to record video or canvas into animated gif. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef GifRecorder * @class * @example * var recorder = new GifRecorder(mediaStream || canvas || context, { onGifPreview: function, onGifRecordingStarted: function, width: 1280, height: 720, frameRate: 200, quality: 10 }); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object or HTMLCanvasElement or CanvasRenderingContext2D. * @param {object} config - {disableLogs:true, initCallback: function, width: 320, height: 240, frameRate: 200, quality: 10} */ /** * MRecordRTC runs on top of {@link RecordRTC} to bring multiple recordings in a single place, by providing simple API. * @summary MRecordRTC stands for "Multiple-RecordRTC". * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef MRecordRTC * @class * @example * var recorder = new MRecordRTC(); * recorder.addStream(MediaStream); * recorder.mediaType = { * audio: true, // or StereoAudioRecorder or MediaStreamRecorder * video: true, // or WhammyRecorder or MediaStreamRecorder or WebAssemblyRecorder or CanvasRecorder * gif: true // or GifRecorder * }; * // mimeType is optional and should be set only in advance cases. * recorder.mimeType = { * audio: 'audio/wav', * video: 'video/webm', * gif: 'image/gif' * }; * recorder.startRecording(); * @see For further information: * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/tree/master/MRecordRTC|MRecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @requires {@link RecordRTC} */ /** * MediaStreamRecorder is an abstraction layer for {@link https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-record/MediaRecorder.html|MediaRecorder API}. It is used by {@link RecordRTC} to record MediaStream(s) in both Chrome and Firefox. * @summary Runs top over {@link https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-record/MediaRecorder.html|MediaRecorder API}. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan|Muaz Khan} * @typedef MediaStreamRecorder * @class * @example * var config = { * mimeType: 'video/webm', // vp8, vp9, h264, mkv, opus/vorbis * audioBitsPerSecond : 256 * 8 * 1024, * videoBitsPerSecond : 256 * 8 * 1024, * bitsPerSecond: 256 * 8 * 1024, // if this is provided, skip above two * checkForInactiveTracks: true, * timeSlice: 1000, // concatenate intervals based blobs * ondataavailable: function() {} // get intervals based blobs * } * var recorder = new MediaStreamRecorder(mediaStream, config); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * * // or * var blob = recorder.blob; * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @param {object} config - {disableLogs:true, initCallback: function, mimeType: "video/webm", timeSlice: 1000} * @throws Will throw an error if first argument "MediaStream" is missing. Also throws error if "MediaRecorder API" are not supported by the browser. */ /** * MultiStreamRecorder can record multiple videos in single container. * @summary Multi-videos recorder. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef MultiStreamRecorder * @class * @example * var options = { * mimeType: 'video/webm' * } * var recorder = new MultiStreamRecorder(ArrayOfMediaStreams, options); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * * // or * var blob = recorder.blob; * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStreams} mediaStreams - Array of MediaStreams. * @param {object} config - {disableLogs:true, frameInterval: 1, mimeType: "video/webm"} */ /** * RecordRTCPromisesHandler adds promises support in {@link RecordRTC}. Try a {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/simple-demos/RecordRTCPromisesHandler.html|demo here} * @summary Promises for {@link RecordRTC} * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef RecordRTCPromisesHandler * @class * @example * var recorder = new RecordRTCPromisesHandler(mediaStream, options); * recorder.startRecording() * .then(successCB) * .catch(errorCB); * // Note: You can access all RecordRTC API using "recorder.recordRTC" e.g. * recorder.recordRTC.onStateChanged = function(state) {}; * recorder.recordRTC.setRecordingDuration(5000); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - Single media-stream object, array of media-streams, html-canvas-element, etc. * @param {object} config - {type:"video", recorderType: MediaStreamRecorder, disableLogs: true, numberOfAudioChannels: 1, bufferSize: 0, sampleRate: 0, video: HTMLVideoElement, etc.} * @throws Will throw an error if "new" keyword is not used to initiate "RecordRTCPromisesHandler". Also throws error if first argument "MediaStream" is missing. * @requires {@link RecordRTC} */ /** * StereoAudioRecorder is a standalone class used by {@link RecordRTC} to bring "stereo" audio-recording in chrome. * @summary JavaScript standalone object for stereo audio recording. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef StereoAudioRecorder * @class * @example * var recorder = new StereoAudioRecorder(MediaStream, { * sampleRate: 44100, * bufferSize: 4096 * }); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @param {object} config - {sampleRate: 44100, bufferSize: 4096, numberOfAudioChannels: 1, etc.} */ /** * Storage is a standalone object used by {@link RecordRTC} to store reusable objects e.g. "new AudioContext". * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @example * Storage.AudioContext === webkitAudioContext * @property {webkitAudioContext} AudioContext - Keeps a reference to AudioContext object. * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} */ /** * WebAssemblyRecorder lets you create webm videos in JavaScript via WebAssembly. The library consumes raw RGBA32 buffers (4 bytes per pixel) and turns them into a webm video with the given framerate and quality. This makes it compatible out-of-the-box with ImageData from a CANVAS. With realtime mode you can also use webm-wasm for streaming webm videos. * @summary Video recording feature in Chrome, Firefox and maybe Edge. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef WebAssemblyRecorder * @class * @example * var recorder = new WebAssemblyRecorder(mediaStream); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @param {object} config - {webAssemblyPath:'webm-wasm.wasm',workerPath: 'webm-worker.js', frameRate: 30, width: 1920, height: 1080, bitrate: 1024, realtime: true} */ /** * Whammy is a standalone class used by {@link RecordRTC} to bring video recording in Chrome. It is written by {@link https://github.com/antimatter15|antimatter15} * @summary A real time javascript webm encoder based on a canvas hack. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef Whammy * @class * @example * var recorder = new Whammy().Video(15); * recorder.add(context || canvas || dataURL); * var output = recorder.compile(); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} */ /** * WhammyRecorder is a standalone class used by {@link RecordRTC} to bring video recording in Chrome. It runs top over {@link Whammy}. * @summary Video recording feature in Chrome. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef WhammyRecorder * @class * @example * var recorder = new WhammyRecorder(mediaStream); * recorder.record(); * recorder.stop(function(blob) { * video.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob); * }); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @param {object} config - {disableLogs: true, initCallback: function, video: HTMLVideoElement, etc.} */ /** * {@link GetRecorderType} is an inner/private helper for {@link RecordRTC}. * @summary It returns best recorder-type available for your browser. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef GetRecorderType * @class * @example * var RecorderType = GetRecorderType(options); * var recorder = new RecorderType(options); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @param {object} config - {type:"video", disableLogs: true, numberOfAudioChannels: 1, bufferSize: 0, sampleRate: 0, video: HTMLVideoElement, etc.} */ /** * {@link RecordRTCConfiguration} is an inner/private helper for {@link RecordRTC}. * @summary It configures the 2nd parameter passed over {@link RecordRTC} and returns a valid "config" object. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef RecordRTCConfiguration * @class * @example * var options = RecordRTCConfiguration(mediaStream, options); * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - MediaStream object fetched using getUserMedia API or generated using captureStreamUntilEnded or WebAudio API. * @param {object} config - {type:"video", disableLogs: true, numberOfAudioChannels: 1, bufferSize: 0, sampleRate: 0, video: HTMLVideoElement, getNativeBlob:true, etc.} */ /** * {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC} is a WebRTC JavaScript library for audio/video as well as screen activity recording. It supports Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android, and Microsoft Edge. Platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows. * @summary Record audio, video or screen inside the browser. * @license {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC/blob/master/LICENSE|MIT} * @author {@link https://MuazKhan.com|Muaz Khan} * @typedef RecordRTC * @class * @example * var recorder = RecordRTC(mediaStream or [arrayOfMediaStream], { * type: 'video', // audio or video or gif or canvas * recorderType: MediaStreamRecorder || CanvasRecorder || StereoAudioRecorder || Etc * }); * recorder.startRecording(); * @see For further information: * @see {@link https://github.com/muaz-khan/RecordRTC|RecordRTC Source Code} * @param {MediaStream} mediaStream - Single media-stream object, array of media-streams, html-canvas-element, etc. * @param {object} config - {type:"video", recorderType: MediaStreamRecorder, disableLogs: true, numberOfAudioChannels: 1, bufferSize: 0, sampleRate: 0, desiredSampRate: 16000, video: HTMLVideoElement, etc.} */ /** @license React v0.19.1 * scheduler.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** @license React v16.13.1 * react-is.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** @license React v16.14.0 * react-dom.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** @license React v16.14.0 * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ /** @license React v16.14.0 * react.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */